Trapped twice - plumb in front!

One of my good friends was supposed to fly to the US. So, we caught up just a week before and planned on going for a movie the foll. day. We converged on '15 Park avenue'. I pulled two other friends of mine. So, the US-borne bloke promised us that he would reserve 4 tickets for this movie.

Next day, we headed to the theatre. I was so kicked as I heard some good reviews about the movie. The lights go down only for us to see movie titles in telugu go up. I thought it was some trailer, so was trying to pull my friend's leg saying we had tricked her into coming to a telugu flick (she doesn't understand a bit of telugu).

Two more mins and I witnessed disaster. "Chukallo Chandrudu" it was. My friend that reserved the tickets then says that this was the 'only' movie that was available. Need I say more about how the movie was ????? Felt sorry for my friend who didn't understand telugu. Though she remained quiet, I could read her mind. Was full of curses :p :p

Next, I had to go to chennai last week. Normally, I take these volvo buses, which are quicker and more comfortable. You always have these guys screen a TELUGU movie with speakers rite above your head. Unless you've just been marauded by a giant dinosaur, you just cannot sleep with the sounds on :-) You just have two choices - close your eyes and hear only the 'noise' or watch the movie. Being an eternal optimist, I preferred getting murdered to committing suicide and so, I watched the movie.

'Bunny' it was. Again, I don't think I have to say more. To claim that the hero resembled 'Bugs bunny' would be a HUGE insult to the cartoon character.