Minting money!

Recently discovered a new 'business model' to make quick bucks.

You are a top notch prof. from some top notch school in India. Call for an All-India 'some' summit where in you request papers/articles from all the corporates. Well, my sis was contacted for the same and since she had to do it, sent a rough draft of her 'paper' to me. I am definitely no 'paper' evaluator, but definitely someone with a lil' common sense :p :p .. After a read-thru', asked my sis not to publish as the content was definitely not 'paper-worthy'.

Since my sis had put in 6 hours to prepare the slides, she sent it anyways, expecting a reject. Not to be so. She was called in to present the same. Suprise! Suprise! :-)She goes for it and guess wot? - The icing on the cake - She is awarded the 'first' prize.

So, now all the 'papers' go into a book. I am sure if you would look at the book, looking at the cover page with the flashy titles, you would be tempted to buy it. I had a look at few articles. Well well.. If 'celebrating' a person's b'day and having an annual day in a company is an 'innovative management practice', then what is common sense? I fail to understand :p :p :p

Even worse, my sis published a second paper. One of her colleagues had written hers in less than 2 hours and had submmitted the same. One of the sentence made no syntactical sense, but guess wot ? the same grammatical error occurs in the book as well. The editors didin't even have time to go thru' the papers :-)))) Disgusting is the word that comes to my mind.

So, the word of caution is that when you see any book in the store with 'edited by' XYZ (where XYZ may be on the greats) on the cover page, please ensure that you read thru' the content before you make a decision.